We believe that everyone should have access to free and affordable healthcare, regardless of their insurance and financial status. That is why we created this resource page to help you achieve just that. The following links listed below will direct you over to clinics that provide affordable/ free health care services to those who are in need. Please refer to all links for further information, services and locations.
Red Door Clinic >> Services:
- STD and HIV testing
- COVID testing
- Harm Reduction (Syringe services, narcan, etc.)
- Monkey Pox
- Doxy Pep
- PrEP
- More Services
Neighborhood Healthsource >> Services:
- Basic Primary and Preventive Care
- Diabetes Care
- HIV Care
- Sexual Health Care
- Behavioral Health
Aliveness Project >> Services:
- HIV Prevention and Support Services/ Resources
- Free HIV testing
For more locations that offer affordable healthcare, please refer to the Bridge to Benefit website link and enter in, "Hennepin" or your preferred MN County to access more affordable healthcare options and clinics.
You can also check out the MN Department of Health sites linked below for more information regarding STD/ HIV testing sites and additional resources:
Thank you to our partners and generous sponsors:
Children Of Incarcerated Parents