If you are interested in employment opportunities, we have dedicated this page to help you get started on your job search. Below you will find some helpful programs and links that can assist you with job seeking, resume assistance and work training.
Job Preparation and Training Programs/ Resources
CareerForce in Minneapolis North
CareerForce is a great resource for those who are interested in employment, resume assistance, career exploration, interview prep/ workshops and more. Check out their website, stop by in person, or give them a call today at 612-299-7200.
AccessAbility Incorporated's Career and Educational Pathways Program
This program was designed to help and support adults with criminal backgrounds and help them find employment and stability. To learn more about their services, give them a call today at 612-331-5958.
The Career One Stop Ex-Offender Website
This website is a perfect tool to help with job preparation, employment and much more. The site offers a number of resources for people with a criminal background as they get ready to enter the workforce. Please refer to their website for more resources and services in addition to their direct job finder site.
Community Action Hennepin County
Employment Readiness Services are offered here for those who are interested in getting help with job searching, interview training, resume support and so much more. Be sure to check out their website to download an application today or stop by their office in person to fill out an application.
Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Program (WIOA)
This program works to support people with criminal records and assist them with job searching. The program also offers other important services such as mentoring, housing, expunging criminal records and much more. Give them a call today for more information at 612-286-8597.
Check out the Hennepin County Job Seeker Information site to stay up to date on upcoming job fairs and hiring events around the Minneapolis area.
If you would prefer to complete your job search independently, please refer to the links below to help guide you.
Thank you to our partners and generous sponsors:
Children Of Incarcerated Parents