If you are in need of emergency shelter, please contact the Hennepin County Shelter Hotline right away at 612-204-8200 between the hours of 8am to 9pm (Monday - Friday). Calls outside of these hours will be directed to United Way's 2-1-1
This resource page is designed to help assist you in finding emergency shelter, housing support and programs including section 8 waiting lists and starting your own independent housing search. Please refer to all links below for further information.
Resources for Emergency Shelter and Homelessness:
For more information regarding emergency programs and shelters, check out the Hennepin County Emergency Programs Site here.
For help with unsheltered homelessness, you can complete a service request form here at Streets to Housing - unsheltered service request form or check out the Hennepin County Streets to Housing Website for more information.
- Coordinated Entry Homelessness Assistance is also a helpful tool for those in need of housing and shelter. Please note that this assistance requires an assessment.
- If you are currently in an emergency shelter, request a case manager from the shelter you are staying in and mention that you are interested in a CES Assessment.
- If you are currently sleeping outside, in a vehicle, or in a tent, etc., you can request services from the Hennepin County Streets to Housing team by filling out this Streets to Housing - unsheltered service request form.
Minnesota benefit programs that can help assist you with housing and income:
Click here to apply for Housing Support/ Group Residential Housing (GRH)
Click here to apply for MSA Housing Assistance
Click here to apply for MN Supplemental Aid (MSA)
Click here to apply for SNAP/ EBT
Click here to apply for General/ Cash Assistance
Housing Stabilization links and Resources:
MN DHS Housing Programs and Services
Housing Benefits 101
Minnesota Housing >> Housing Stability
211 United Way
Lutheran Social Service of MN Housing and Assistance
Section 8 Website and Waiting Lists:
Minneapolis Public Housing Authority >> Housing Vouchers/ Section 8
- Minneapolis Public Housing Authority >> Housing
If you believe that you are already on the Minneapolis PHA waiting list and would like to check your status, please call 612-335-4404 and have your social security and DOB ready
Saint Paul Public Housing Agency >> Housing Voucher/ Section 8 Waiting List
Saint Paul Public Housing Agency >> Public Housing Waiting List
- Metro HRA >> Waiting Lists and Applications
- If you've already applied for a St.Paul or Metro HRA section 8 or housing voucher in the past and would like to check your status, please refer to this link here MN Assistance Connect
If you would prefer to complete your housing search independently, you can do that by checking out the links provided below to help assist you:
Housing Benefits 101
Alliance Housing Incorporated >> Alliance Housing/Properties
Aeon >> Find A Home
CommonBond Communities
Affordable Housing
Thank you to our partners and generous sponsors:
Children Of Incarcerated Parents